Say hello to
the missing text editor
for iPad & iPhone.

iPad running txt.edit
txt.edit - The missing text editor for iPhone & iPad | Product Hunt Embedtxt.edit - The missing text editor for iPhone & iPad | Product Hunt Embed
iPhones running txt.edit with different themes

Easy to use text editor

Txt.edit aims to be as simple to use as classic notepad.exe or TextEdit. Open a file, make your edits and save it.

Includes 242 beautiful themes

Txt.edit includes all your favorite themes, including: Monokai, XCode & Visual Studio. You'll feel right at home.

Syntax highlighting for 191 languages

1c, abnf, accesslog, actionscript, ada, angelscript, apache, applescript, arcade, cpp, arduino, armasm, xml, asciidoc, aspectj, autohotkey, autoit, avrasm, awk, axapta, ... Show all

iPad running txt.edit to open a file

Deep integration

Deep iPadOS & iOS integration allows you to open local files or files stored with a cloud service. Txt.edit uses the latest Apple frameworks to integrate with iOS & iPadOS 13.

Use a trackpad, keyboard shortcuts or just your fingers. Txt.edit will adapt to your daily habits.

Two instances running side by side

Advanced multitasking

Run two iunstances of txt.edit side by side on iPad to instantly boost your productivity.